Atunguayco Fruits Chile
Atunguayco Fruits is a leading industrial agricultural company in producing quality citrus fruits, in contrary season with northern hemisphere. This climate is unique in the world for the production of citrus and provides an early harvest within the country. Productive units are situated in the IV and V region of Chile, South America.
The company is operating since 1987, persistently.

To achieve quality products, consistent and continuously, the company have a highly qualified and experienced crew, good infrastructure to perform effectively all the processes of the chain, productive and trade. 100% of the processes are certified by Global Gap 4.0.

El Director 6000, Office 205
Las Condes-Santiago-Chile
Phone Numbers: (56 2) 9367581 -9367582
Fax: (56 2) 9367584
Fields (Montepatria-Ovalle)
Atunguayco, Huatulame w/o number
Phone: (56 53) 711607
Fundo Sto.Domingo, Camino Caren
Phone: (56 53) 726087
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